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Friday, March 06, 2009

Treatment: Day 5

Feeling pretty good this morning and looking forward to seeing the doc tomorrow. Going home to NJ tonight, so I won't be able to update til I get back. Hopefully I'll have nothing but good to say about the wrist and progress on the knitting!

It's going to take a little bit of extra motivation for the ice dips over the weekend. Going from an apartment where you are the next room over from the kitchen to a 2 floor house can make you lazy. Guess I'll be hanging out in the kitchen instead of being lazy upstairs watching movies all weekend. Boo!

I did not get a chance to knit on the subway today or at lunch, so I'm getting a bit of rest in a way. I also took the option of hand sketching at work instead of using Illustrator. Haven't had to use the brace or the pain cream today, so that's an improvement.

Alrighty, off to NJ for the weekend! Wish me luck and lots of fairly pain free knitting!


Anonymous said...

Hey, email me when you get back from the doctor and let me know what he said, I've been dealing with CTS for 15 years now so if he suspects that's what you have instead of tendinitis, I'm happy to share what's worked for me.

I'm also volunteering to help you get your knitting done, I have plenty of free knitting time next week and can meet you in the city to take some of the knitting off your hands!

my email's yivich@gmail.com if you don't have it

I hope this goes away soon, I know all too well what you must feel like right now!

Veronique said...

Hope your Dr gave you lots of helpful info!