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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So Close!

I'm so close to finishing up my last deadline project and can't wait. I even brought some personal knitting with me to work today. I had forgotten how nice it is to enjoy my knitting and not have to speed knit!

Personal Knitting!!

I also had my second Chiropractic adjustment last weekend and the wrist is still on the mend. I had a little bit of a relapse on Sunday, even though I didn't knit a stitch, and I was a little scared. It seems to be ok now and I'm only having a little bit of discomfort after knitting for about an hour or so. Usually I knit about 3-4 hours per night, so it would be very nice to be back to normal.

Unraveling mitts

In other news, my poor Hurry Up Spring armwarmers are starting to unravel. It started with the right hand a few month back and spread to the left hand. I had every intention of fixing them up with a small amount of leftover yarn, but haven't gotten around to it. I suppose they had a good run - they were knit 4 years ago and used constantly. It would probably be helpful if I stopped wearing them, but I love them so much! So I just stuck some safety pins in the raveling stitches and hope for the best. Lazy, I know.

1 comment:

OmMama and KraftyKatina said...

Those are so beautiful! I love the colors.