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Monday, February 20, 2006

Day 7 - 10

And here's a quick recap of Days 6 through 10:

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

I didn't exactly get to knit as much as I would have liked over the holiday, but I can't complain. Getting down to the wire, only 6 days left! The first sleeve is almost ready for the cap shaping. Then I have the second sleeve and neck to finish. I need to make sure I finish all the pieces by Thursday so I can block before I go home to Jersey. I also need to check if I have the correct size snaps for the front opening. Alright, recap over, back to knitting!

But before I go, I was so ready to see the USA women's hockey team play for the gold! But unfortunately they were beat by Sweden friday and took the bronze against Finland tonight. A face-off against Canada would have been so great! Maybe they'll have better luck in 2010.


Passionknitly said...

the US sure did clobber Findland eh?

Crap, 6 days eh!? I have to finish a whole back, a sleeve, block and sew in 6 days!? I'm screwed!

sturdygirl said...

Oooh, you are getting so close! Looks like this turned out to be the perfect Knitting Olympics project after all!