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Friday, March 31, 2006

Thank You! Plus a Sock

Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments on grannie smith. Also a big thank you to all who have purchased the pattern so far. This has been such an exciting and uplifting experience, as I've been having a tough time with my job for the past few months or so. As a few of you already know, I am a sweater designer for a junior line at a mass market company. I've been so fed up with the whole system of copy, copy, copy some more! It's an ugly sad truth about the business and almost everyone does it. I'm rarely able to be creative (the customers always want knock-offs and the customer is always right?!) and when I am able to design my own sweaters, I'm rarely appreciated. Being able to publish my own designs is a way for me to keep the creative juices flowing and keep me sane! So thanks again for the support and I hope to continue to publish more patterns in the very near future.

And now socks!

I started a simple pair of socks last Saturday night and made pretty good progress this week considering how busy I was.

cameleon socks

I'm knitting them on size 1's with Opal in the chameleon colorway. I've heard this is a special limited edition colorway and apparently some proceeds goes to some type of wildlife foundation (as loosely translated by my fiance). I like how the yarn is knitting up, but I wish the stripes were a little smaller. I can't help it that my feet are so darn small! I'm using the basic guidelines from Simple Socks and doing a short row heel and toe. I'm hoping these fit me a little better than my last two pairs! Custom socks are the way to go!

Update on the Fiance Sweater:

I've decided to rip back and start over. I only had knit about 10", so it's not too bad. Since it's measuring 23 1/2" across and it should be 21", I'm afraid that if I continue in this manner, I'll run out of yarn. In fact, I know I will. Better to rip now than cry later.

And one final note - in my comments seal wondered if anyone was up for a KAL for grannie smith? If so, let me know and I'll set everything up. Thanks!

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