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Friday, August 04, 2006

Check It Out!

Here are the first two finished Grannie Smiths I've seen posted on the net:


and here

How exciting!


Moni said...

they turned out really cute! I am going to have to knit this up sometime soonn...

|chee-uh| said...

Awesome to see that a Knit-A-Long has been formed! I will be purchasing your pattern soon. Of course, that's only if my new bank decides that I'm not a conterfeiting terrorist within the next ten days.

Connie said...
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Connie said...

That's great, Melissa. *I* get excited when I see people knitting the same thing as me, I can only imagine what it must be like to see others knitting my design...

I'll get started on my Grannie Smith soon. As usual, there are so many other things competing for my attention!

I think I'll try to make a twinset out of the Grannie Smith. I've always loved the lace twinsets at places like Banana Republic - and your pattern is so delicate and pretty.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I am shamed! But inspired... and too hot... and .... Seriously 'tho - these are lovely and inspiring. I WILL get this done.