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Sunday, January 22, 2006

This Has Gone Too Far!

So I get an email from a member of the LIC SnB that our Yahoo group is nowhere to be found! Immediately I blamed the Sew Fast Sew Evil people and quick checked it out. Yep, our group is gone, but why?? We didn't even have Stitch n Bitch in our group name. Our official name was LIC knit!

I have heard a couple of stories about some groups losing their site because the group owner did not change their group names, but I thought we were beyond that due to SnB not being involved here. Guess I was wrong! I was a moderator for the group, and I never even got an email warning. Our owner is nowhere to be found -haven't heard from her in months, so maybe she got a warning but doesn't check her Yahoo account? I guess we will never know.

I didn't even want to go into the Sew Fast Sew Easy dilemma on my blog, but now that they have messed with me and my SnB group, I have no choice! For anyone out there that hasn't seen the deal somewhere else, here is the scoop: Sew Fast Sew Easy owns the trademark for Stitch & Bitch Cafe, an online chat room or something. They sent out a complaint to Yahoo Groups that SnB groups were no longer able to use the name Stitch and Bitch due to trademark infringement. Some groups changed their names, others were deleted. Apparently Yahoo doesn't do any investigating into the matter, if they are asked to shut a group down for whatever reason, they comply. Debbie Stoller is also involved due to the title of her books. I say this is absolute bull plop. The Stitch and Bitch name has been used for sewing/knitting circles for about 50 years now! If you want some more info, or want to track what's going on check out this website . It appears they may have a special boycott website dedicated to this cause up soon.

And in knitting news:


Hot Lava is coming along great! In fact, I feel a little guilty because this is supposed to be a knit-along with my LIC girls and I feel like I'm going way too fast. Now, I haven't seen anyone's progress from last week, so maybe when I show up on Tuesday, others will be at the same point. But until then, I'll just sit here feeling guilty. I do have a good excuse though (why do I have such a guilty conscience?). On Friday, my train to Philly was delayed due to two, yes not one, but two stalled Long Island RR trains in the tunnel. I waited 1 1/2 hours to get on my train. Then on the way back from NYC tonight, there was a NJ Transit train stalled in front of us and debris on the track! That took 45 minutes to clear up. So an extra 2 1/4 hours of knitting time really helped speed Hot Lava along. I mean, what else was I gonna do!


Butterfly is blocking away. I actually have the front on top of the back. I wanted to make sure that they were both blocked to the same measurements. I blocked the back last Thursday and placed the front on top tonight. I should be ready for some exciting mattress stitch action tomorrow. Yay!


goodkarma said...

I'm sorry about your SNB. I'm sure you'll figure out a way to keep meeting up, though, yeah? And Hot Lava is looking great... the yarn is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

man, all that snb nonsense is rediculous! I want to admire Debbie Stoller for what she has done for knitting, but this mess is making it difficult. Like yahoo groups are making any money off of the phrase. WTF?

maritza said...

AGH! Melissa, don't invoke their name!!! Any time you say their name a fairy dies and they get a google point (or hit or whatever - but it counts to THEIR benefit). Here's the link to boycott THEM:
Anyway, all is well now with LICknit. We have licknit2 on yahoo, and we now have a group on google as well - LICknit - just in case. They can't kill our spirit. Mwahhahahah!

Passionknitly said...

are you that person who commented on the SNB-NYC list about how your moderator is gone etc?

If your moderator is nowhere to be found, I think you should just start a new listserv. Perhaps google has a group thing that you could use that might be more friendly and logical?

the knitrider said...

i cant wait to see butterfly finished. it is such a lovely pattern! that really stinks about the snb thing, i have been hearing stuff about it for a few weeks now. it is so petty and dumb to me! btw thanks for all your encouragement for lucky, it was really such a pleasure to knit, and even more nice to wear!

Amy said...

The butterfly is going to be amazing!

I still can't believe that your group got shut down. What is wrong with Yahoo that they would do that?

Moni said...

I can't believe your yahoo group got shut down! Your right, the name "stitch n bitch" has been around forever! grr!

I can't wait to see Butterfly!

Anonymous said...

sew fast sew easy is a good company. I think some of the things said are assumed as true. Of course people, never really know the truth