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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Two Down, Two to Go

So I managed to make it back from Minneapolis in one piece! On the way there, I was fine, but on the way home the anxiety kicked in a bit. Luckily my boss offered me her 1st class seat and I had my knitting with me. I was so distraught that I knit a whole repeat on branching out before I realized I dropped 3 stitches on the first row I had started with. But I'm home now and don't think I'll have to go on any more business trips for awhile. It was good to experience a new place, but man was it cold! It was like -6 degrees yesterday! It felt like a heat wave when I got back to NYC - and it was only 34 degrees!

So I managed to finish up Branching Out on the plane and blocked it tonight. I'm so excited to have 2 gifts down and only 2 more to go! The pattern was a lot clearer once it was blocked and I hope it stays that way when being worn.


Today I received my package from Purl with my beautiful Alpaca and Silk from Blue Sky. What great timing. I am doing the Opera Scarf from Blue Sky, which is a free pattern offered on their web site. It seems like a pretty quick knit, so I hope to have it finished by next week if not sooner. I was going to cast on tonight, but I still have to pack to go home to NJ. I am going to Fiona Apple in Philly tomorrow night - I can't wait!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, yummy yarn!


maritza said...

Congratulations! Branching Out looks lovely! (And congratulations on making such a serious dent on the Christmas list - that, too, is to be highly commended.) Have fun tomorrow night. I adore Fiona Apple; hope it's a great show.

Stacy said...

Okay, so I was at my LYS after work and came across a skein of America's Alpaca Glimmer in a creamy shade with pretty little sparkles. It was so soft that I had to get it and thought of this pattern immediately. The gauge is a bit different than Alpaca Silk at 7 st/in but for a lace scarf, that doesn't matter and the yardage was good. It looks like the Opera Scarf is going to be a post-Christmas knitting gift to myself!

Moni said...

oh my, that alapaca and silk looks lovely!

sigh..I'm actually wishing it would warm up to 34 degrees again! The average high temp here is, like 14 degrees. I'm wondering why I moved away from California :)

Branching out looks really pretty!

Anonymous said...

Hey girlie... just got your card in the mail today! Thanks a million for being a great Secret Pal!
Your scarves are beautiful!