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Monday, December 19, 2005

Secret Pal 6 Reveal

I received my final package from my wonderful SP Melissa from melknits this weekend. It was filled with tons of wonderful goodies!
I received 4 balls of plymouth baby alpaca brush, 2 balls of sockotta, a pattern for a hat and socks for the sockotta, woolwash, a cute little basket, and some Christmas coffee and tea from starbucks. I'm sure the caffeine will help me stay up to knit "just one more row"!

Here's a detail of the cute little basket! I put a dime in the picture so you could see how small it really is.

Melissa also sent along a little "newsletter" telling me a little about herself and her family. What a creative reveal! Thanks Melissa for everything!

The secret pal I had to spoil was ALSO named Melissa - the hostess called it the "ring around the Melissa's". So as my first SP draws to a close I am so happy that I had a good experience. I didn't exactly know what to expect and now I have made two more knitting buddies - it just happens that both of them are named Melissa!


sturdygirl said...

Wow, that is one heck of a nice gift! I just gave my first gift in a swap - your Pal sets the bar pretty high!

Anonymous said...

that basket is so cute! It is funny that she paired all the melissas... my pal was Lisa, though... kinda close!