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Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Ok, so I haven't been totally honest with my knitting lately. I have been cheating on my knitting with cross stitch. Yes, cross stitch. Although I have a very good reason for this. See, my boyfriend used to have this same design hanging on his wall when he was a child and it helped him through some hard times. It was destroyed in a house fire a couple of years back, so I thought it would be nice to remake it for him since it meant so much to him. Here's a pic of the project:


I must say that the relaxing qualities of cross stitch are right up there with knitting. Also, working on a guardian angel has it's ways of calming my nerves.

Hope to have my yarn this week for my alpaca fairisle project. I need to start something soon or else I'm really going to have knitting withdrawal!


mia said...

alpaca fairisle? What alpaca fairisle?? What is this you speak of?

Unknown said...

My parents had a light switch cover of that same picture. It didn't quite comfort me, as much as give me something to think about, but there is something very moving about it to children.