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Monday, October 22, 2007

The Answer Everyone Wants to Know

What does everyone want to know? What was your haul at Rhinebeck of course!

I walked away pretty light this year. I purchased an alligator scarf kit from Morehouse and 5 skeins of natural colored wool from Maple Creek Farms.

Aligator scarf

maple creek yarn

The alligator was cast on immediately after walking in the door on Saturday night. It's been a really fun knit so far. So simple, yet so clever!


Slip Stitch Jacket

I did manage to finish my slip stitch jacket (well, it just needs hooks), but it was a bit too warm to wear so it stayed home. Grannie #2 filled in instead. And speaking of the slip stitch jacket, can you believe I had to make one more emergency trip to Knitty City on Thursday to finish it up! So the grand total was 4 extra skeins! How could this be considering I was right on gauge? I'm not quite sure. Maybe the company might be able to help me out on that one.


Veronique said...

Ooh, that natural colored wool looks very nice... What a great find :)
I'm sure you'll get to wear your super soft slip stitch jacket once the weather cools down. (If it ever does). In the meantime, your Grannie #2 looked very pretty.

Connie said...

Wow, you're a speedy knitter. Look at how much progress you've already got done on the scarf!

And the slip stitch jacket is gorgeous! Sorry it was too warm to wear.

Anonymous said...

i love that crocodile scarf so much!h

carrie said...

that jacket is going to be so darn fierce! and i can't believe how much of the crocodile scarf you've finished.

spajonas said...

that crocodile scarf is totally cool :)

schrodinger said...

I so had my eye on that scarf at morehouse, it is tres cool :) Shame it was too warm for the slip stitch jacket, not long before it will be cool enough though...

trainlady said...

I loved the alligator scarf so much. I'm knitting it vicariously through others since I just couldn't justify it this time.

sturdygirl said...

the jacket is totally cool! seems like you finished it really fast, too. crazy about the 4 extra skeins needed.

Anonymous said...

so, i am one front panel short of finishing the slip stitch jacket. i am right on gauge, too, and so far i am two and a half extra skeins in! i thought it was just me. also, any tips for the reversal of the front panel? i was frustrated that, with all the short rows, they wouldn't write that out for me. and now i have to do it. and i'm almost ready to punch teva durham in the face.

Anonymous said...
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