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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Knitters Against Global Warming Pt. 2


Thanks so much to anyone who has put the button up on their blog. I feel that even if we make one more person more aware to what is going on, it's a very good thing!

I just wanted to post one more time on this issue to share some info from commenters and some links that I found.

- Almost everyone mentioned Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. If you haven't seen it - run, don't walk to your nearest Blockbuster! I have to admit I have not seen it, but I am making a point to see it this weekend.

- When searching around this morning, I found Share the Truth. Check it out and while you are there, get some good karma points by following the link to request and make sure Apple carries Gore's movie on itunes.

- With the 2008 presidential election coming up sooner than we know it, Gleek mentioned supporting candidates who are willing to make global warming part of their platform. We need someone who is going to strengthen environmental regulations, not weaken them like the present "W" administration.

- And "allergicmom" dropped a link where you can download the movie for free.

- And finally, follow this link to find the contact info for you senator and congressman. One email or letter is all it takes! Just 5 minutes of your time to help make your voice heard.


lori said...

I applaud your efforts for getting the word out there.

Another thing we can do is buy local. I've been thinking about this problem for a while and I really believe that our current economy of mass consumption of (disposable) products produced on the other side of the world is part of this problem. Our resources are not disposable.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Love this idea!

Thanks for all the great links...

Anonymous said...

I'm on board! I've added this to my blog as well.


Connie said...

And yes, do see Inconvenient Truth. Somehow the film manages to take a slide show and make it really really engrossing. It'll leave you outraged over how we've let things deteriorate so far.

Anonymous said...

Amen that Georgie is on his way out!

schrodinger said...

Wow, there's some really good point there, and loriz's suggestion of buying local is really simple, but has the potential of being very effective.