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Monday, November 06, 2006

Weekend Fun

The curse of the 3rd sweater seems to finally be broken! I had to rip out a few more times before I almost lost my patience - then it worked. It was fine. The stitch count was fine. The pattern was fine. What a relief!

So I spent Friday night and Saturday morning working furiously trying to catch up on lost time. I did pretty well for myself and managed to finish the first front last night and should be able to finish up the second half tonight. Then it's off to sleeve land. It might be a race to the finish with the yarn though - see, the sweater might still have one more trick up its sleeve! Luckily, it's not a problem to get more, so hopefully the sweater will just leave me alone!

On Saturday I also visited the Edgar Allan Poe house in Philadelphia. Poe didn't live at this location for too long (1843-1844), but he did write a few of his better known short stories here. Poe has always fascinated me and I learned so many new things about him on our little trip. I hope to visit his cottage in the Bronx someday soon also. The Bronx site is actually furnished and has been restored to it's original appearance. The Philadelphia house looks nice from the outside, but unfortunately, the inside was nothing more than bare plaster and painted over hardwood floors. But the spirit and feeling of the house made up for the appearance of the rooms.

Edgar Allan Poe house

Well, I've wasted enough time on the internet for now. My knitting is never going to get done at this rate! By the way, did anyone out there listen to episode 39 of Cast-On? There is a lovely poem titled, "The Romney" which is a take on "The Raven" by Poe. I just listened to it last night and had a very good laugh!


mia said...

you know -- he wrote the raven while living at w84th and broadway; there is no museum but there is a cafe (named Edgar's, conveniently), and we all need more excuses to eat cake.
see you soon!

Amy said...

That trip to Poe's house seems like great fun.

I can't believe how fast you crank out the sweaters. It's really impressive!

schrodinger said...

So glad to hear the sweater is playing nice now.

Sounds like a nice trip to Philly - I have to go back soon.

Anonymous said...

i just listened to that episode of cast on! that poem was hilarious.

looking forward to seeing your blue lacy sweater in its full glory! :)

spajonas said...

glad to hear that the sweater is finally behaving itself! i can't wait to see the finished project!

Moni said...

"the Romney" was hilariously brilliant! I was thinking about it. what a great episode!

Glad you conquered the curse!

maritza said...

Very cool! Sounds like a nice trip.

Anonymous said...

I love Poe! I have a collection of all his works!

carrie said...

glad you are breaking the curse! and it was good to see you friday.

i haven't listened to cast-on in ages. i'm behind on bloglines AND podcasts.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you had a productive AND educational weekend. Poe *is* great:)