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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Relaxing Holiday

Ahhhh, there is nothing like a relaxing holiday to rejuvenate and rest up! Turkey day was good and on Friday night we headed back to the city. Usually, I would spend my time in Jersey, but there were a few things we wanted to do in NYC this time around.

On Saturday we went to the New York Botanical Gardens to see the Holiday Train Show.

NYC Botanical Train Show
(Brooklyn Bridge, St. Patricks Cathedral, Olana, detail shot on Vanderbuilt(?) mansion, one train of many, and DB giving the "yay, fun" thumbs up)

The lines were really long and the adults were a bit pushy (hence the "mission accomplished" shot by DB), but a good time was had by all. I was just in awe over the historic buildings of New York worked up in bark, branches, leaves and flowers.

My favs were the Brooklyn Bridge and Olana. They are both great representations of the original.

olana real
Olana Fall 2005

Olana miniature

I've also gotten tons of knitting done on the KSH maternity sweater. The front should be done today. I am so happy this has been going a bit faster than expected. I need to get going on the second one soon!

Today I got to catch up on some of my blog reading (only 895 posts to go!) and DB is watching the Jets game. I'm not a football fan, but man, the Jets really have helped my knitting big time! In fact, my IKEA chair and KSH are calling! Happy knitting!


schrodinger said...

I'm playing blog catch-up right now - it's amazing how many there can be waiting for you, just because you didn't get to look for a few days.

Looks like you had a lovely trip, glad that KSH is coming along

Anonymous said...

Your photos are gorgeous--it looks like a lovely day, despite the crowds. Can't wait to see the KSH sweater.

maritza said...

Wow, that looks really cool. Looks like you had a lovely weekend.

Connie said...

Hi Melissa,
It sounds like you had a lovely weekend - grumpy adults notwithstanding ;) Do you know if the exhibit is still going on at the Botanical Gardens. It sounds neat.

spajonas said...

mmmm, a maternity KSH sweater? how warm and lovely! i could use one of those :) glad to hear that your weekend was fun and relaxing.

Moni said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving! Looks like you had lots of fun :)

Anonymous said...

wow, great pics! Glad to see you had a great weekend!!

YarnB said...

Great photos! That looks like a really neat place to visit. You can tell how far behind I am on blog reading!