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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back in One Piece

Just got back from a trip to Minneapolis to visit Target HQ with my company. I'm not much of a flyer, well, traveler for that matter, but I somehow managed to make it back in one piece. The first class seats my co-worker negotiated on the way there didn't hurt much either. Although I could have done without a tornado touching down a few blocks from where we were staying - luckily we were already at the airport waiting for our much delayed flight by the time it happened though. Oh, the excitement.

Tonight when I got home and checked in to Ravelry, I had such a sweet surprise waiting for me. kls1004 started a group for fans (it seems so strange to say that!) of my patterns/designs today. I'm such a shy, low key kinda girl and I have to admit I'm really blushing over here. If you're interested in joining, it's called Wehrle Birds. Love the name and it's so funny because Wehrle Bird has been my dad's nickname for years :)

On the knitting front, much more deadline knitting is on the horizon. Therefore making this a pretty boring place to be at the moment. Maybe the blog needs a few more tutorials, like the one row buttonhole I did a little while back. If so, is there anything you guys would like to see?

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Vintage Buttons

There is just something about old buttons that make me so happy! There is a store here in NYC called Tender Buttons that I just adore. It has the most interesting old buttons and is heaven for someone who adores to design and wear cardigans - although I've been know to put a button onto a garment just for the sake of putting a button on a garment.

A few weeks ago, DH and I took a trip up to Lambertville, NJ to peruse a few antique stores and I came across these great finds. There was a whole basket full of vintage buttons calling, no screaming, out to me and at $3 a card, who could resist?

Vintage buttons
Love the tiny redish/pink ones!

Vintage buttons
Various jet black buttons. Some mixed designs.

Vintage buttons
These are my favorite and the most special of the bunch. We estimated these were pretty old - maybe 30s or 40s.

So now I need to decide or design what sweater to put them on. Only a very special sweater will do, but for now they'll need to be put aside til all the deadline projects are done. They won't be very far though, the more I think about designing something for them, the faster that deadline knitting will go. They'll act as my knitter's "carrot"!