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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Quick Update

DSL is down again at home, so just a quick update for now!

First, I'm now able to offer neoknits patterns for sale on Ravelry! Yay! It's still in the testing stages, but I'm really excited to be a part of this and to see how it develops. I love that you'll be able to have tons of indie designer patterns at your fingertips!

Second, I've added a little newsletter sign up button to the sidebar. Please sign up if you'd like to keep updated on new patterns and designs in the future.

Third, I've finally received my copy of Expectant Little Knits and the book has some really great patterns from alot of great designers in there. I'm already thinking how to modify some of them for my non-pregnant self (emphasis on non to not create any confusion there!) I'll be able to share pictures of my designs once the net is back up at home.

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