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Monday, January 09, 2006

Happy Belated 2006!

Whew! I'm finally back online! My network card decided to die on me right before Christmas and I've been too busy to fix it. Finally got over to the store tonight, bought a new card, and fixed the old girl up. She's as good as new (or at least til I buy my new Apple)!

The knitted gift scarves went over very well. My Grandmom couldn't help showing hers off to anyone that came through the door! Luckily knitting two different scarves for my Mom and Aunt didn't set off a bidding war. They are identical twins and sometimes the one wants what the other gets! I'm sure a couple months down the road, they'll be trading off anyway. I guess it's like getting 2 handknit scarves for 1.

I got several knitting related goodies this year:
Niddy Noddy: measures out 1, 1.5, and 2 yds skeins from Grandma and Grandpa

Sweater drying rack, WPI tool, yarn yardage counter, and book from Dad

The Art of Knitting is an excellent, very inspiring book! (Sorry about the blurry photo) It focuses on the construction of knitted fabric, using different yarns to achieve different affects, and thinking outside of the box. It has an awesome collection of inspirational photos side-by-side with beautiful swatches. I highly recommend it for anyone who designs knitwear and it would make a great coffee table book too!

Bag kit from a co-worker

I also got some cold hard cash from Mom, Grandmom, and Aunt to be used for Spinning classes at the Yarn Tree! Next class start March 1st, though I might wait til the weather gets warmer. I hate going anywhere after work in the cold.

I know I said I hoped to have the Log Cabin socks done by the time I came back to NYC on Jan 3rd, and I came close, but not quite:

I did manage to finish one sock - which is amazing since I spent more time watching the Simpsons on DVD during my week off than anything else. Unfortunately, I am not the type of knitter than can watch TV and knit at the same time. Sometimes I wish I was, but then I remember that I hardly watch any TV, so there goes that idea.

Now, my resolutions for 2006 are:

1) To be a bit more aggressive, not let anyone walk all over me at work or otherwise
2) To design more of my own knits
3) To finish all my UFO's before it gets warm again (I have to be able to wear them at least once this year!)

Speaking of finishing up UFO's.....what's this???? An almost completed Lucky #2? Hmmmmm........


Moni said...

Your Lucky is sooo pretty! I love that green. And it's probably soo soft being cashmere and all.

Alison said...

Wonderful presents! And love the socks.

Megan said...

Happy 2006 Melissa! I don't think I've ever heard of a Niddy Noddy . . . I'm intrigued. And I'll have to check out the Art of Knitting. I just bought Unexpected Knitting, which is also great for experimenting with design and such.

Anonymous said...

you really did get great presents! I really have to do the Lucky sweater, too... you give me inspiration ;)